Pohon-Pohon Unik di Dunia

Pohon adalah mahluk hidup yg penting bagi kehidupan mahluk lainnya. Dia mensirkulasi udara, memberi perlindungan dan makanan bagi manusia dan hewan. Pohon juga ada di surga dan neraka. yaitu pohon Khuldi dan Pohon Zaqqum. Tapi apakah bentuknya sama dengan pohon di bumi? Wallahualam ...

Ada beberapa Pohon yg sangat unik dan luar biasa di alam ini, dan inilah beberapa diantaranya ...

 General Sherman
General Sherman is a Giant Sequoia located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in California. The famous trees of the Giant Forest are among the largest trees in the world. In fact, if measured by volume, five of the ten largest trees on the planet are located within this forest. At 11.1 meter (36.5 ft) along the base The General Sherman tree is the largest of them all. The tree is believed to be between 2,300 and 2,700 years old.

�rbol del Tule
�rbol del Tule, a Montezuma Cypress, is located in the town center of Santa Mar�a del Tule in the Mexican state of Oaxaca . It has the stoutest trunk of any tree in the world although the trunk is heavily buttressed, giving a higher diameter reading than q true cross-sectional of the trunk. It is so large that it was originally thought to be multiple trees, but DNA tests have proven that it is only one tree. The tree is estimated to be between 1,200 and 3,000 years old.

 The Avenue of the Baobabs is a group of famous trees lining the dirt road between Morondava and Belon�i Tsiribihina in western Madagascar. Its striking landscape draws travelers from around the world, making it one of the most visited locations in the region. The Baobab trees, up to 800 years old, did not originally tower in isolation over the sere landscape of scrub but stood in dense tropical forest. Over the years, as the country�s population grew, the forests were cleared for agriculture, leaving only the famous baobab trees.

Boab Prison Tree 
The Boab Prison Tree is a large hollow tree just south of Derby in Western Australia. It is reputed to have been used in the 1890s as a lockup for Indigenous Australian prisoners on their way to Derby for sentencing. In recent years a fence was erected around the tree to protect it from vandalism.

 Major Oak
The Major Oak is a huge oak tree in the heart of Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire, England. According to local folklore, it was Robin Hood�s shelter where he and his band of outlaws slept. The famous tree is about 800 to a 1000 years old. In 1790, Major Hayman Rooke, a noted antiquarian, included the tree in his popular book about the ancient oaks of Sherwood. It thus became known as The Major�s Oak.

 Silk Cotton Trees of Ta Prohm, Cambodia
Ta Prohm Temple or the Jungle Temple which is located in the Angkor Thom complex has trees growing here in the most astounding way. Words cannot describe it until you set foot there and see it for yourself. Apparently, the place was left as is over the hundreds of years and the outcome is amazing from what you see now in the place which is also called Angkor Archaeological Park. On every side, in fantastic over-scale, the trunks of the silk-cotton trees soar skywards under a shadowy green canopy, their long spreading skirts trailing the ground and their endless roots coiling more like reptiles than plants.

 Tree of Life, Bahrain
The Tree of Life in Bahrain is a mesquite tree which grows in the middle of desert. The tree is said to be 400 to 500 years old. Its long roots probably have found some underground water source, but it is still a miracle as it is the only green living organism living in a vast and barren desert. The local inhabitants believe that this was the actual location of the Garden of Eden.

 Cedars of God
The Cedars of God is a small forest of about 400 Lebanon Cedar trees in the mountains of northern Lebanon. They are among the last survivors of the extensive forests of the Cedars of Lebanon that thrived in this region in ancient times. The Cedars of Lebanon are mentioned in the Bible over 70 times. The ancient Egyptians used its resin in mummification and King Solomon used the famous trees in the construction of the First Temple in Jerusalem.

  Socotra Dragon Trees
The Dragon blood tree is arguably the most famous and distinctive plant of the island of Socotra. It has a unique and strange appearance, having the shape of an upside-down umbrella. This evergreen species is named after its dark red resin, that is known as �dragon�s blood�. The bizarre shape enables the tree to have optimal survival in arid conditions. The huge packed crown provides sufficient shade in order to reduce evaporation.

 Wollemi Pine, Australia
 The unique qualities of the Wollemi Pine lie not in its looks but in its history. It is a �living dinosaur�, and was nearly extinct before it was discovered in Sydney, Australia in 1994. Now called �the crown jewels of the botanical world�, the Wollemi pine had previously been known only from a 120-million-year-old fossil. Very few exist in the wild, but conservation efforts have been made in the recent past.

 Pirangi Cashew Tree, Brazil
It�s the largest cashew tree in the world and more like a root and bush than a tree covering a span of 8,500 square meters alone! This tree is probably 300 feet by 300 feet in total. It looks like a forest and a bears 8000 fruit in a year .This picture doesn�t do it justice but should give you an idea of the enormity.


 Pohon yang Berlari melintasi Sungai
 Mungkin ini adalah salah satu Tree Beard seperti yang diceritakan dalam film Lord of the Rings... hehehehe


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